I am so grateful for this response. We have to think about it. I am pro-choices. I want our world to be kinder, smarter, and more loving. Here is the response:
Dear Maggie, I hope I don’t regret writing you my opinion about abortion, because I love you; and I apologize for any foolish straying from this truth. What you wrote about this topic is beautiful, and clearly from your heart.
I never want to see abortion criminalized again. That is no cure, and caused untold suffering. Not only is a woman wounded by this typically lonely and painful decision, but by inept and indifferent, often cruel procedures imposed by herself or others. No solution in this.
To acknowledge killing is right is a bridge too far, but I cross it by saying it can be an option. Never, however, is it freedom. Killing, whether by gun or by medical procedure, whether responsibly or irresponsibly, even whether intentional or unintentional, is killing. Most all who are involved in it come to realize this, with crushing personal consequences. We women must encourage alternatives in every way possible, because as an option it evidences or causes deep wounds, shame; feelings that life is worthless and therefore on some deep level their own life is worthless. If someone chooses this option, we therefore need a system in place with a whale of a lot of supportive followup, available and wholehearted, for as long as it takes.
I think ptsd is no more or less than this.
Self defense. Defense of others, i.e., to save and protect lives. Abortion as self defense against nurturing in one’s body the seed of some terrible violation. I’m not able to condone in myself taking away this right from anyone. And I hear, respect, and affirm that abortion is a choice no one can make for another.
But lets not fool oursekves at any step of the way that we make anyone’s life easier by making the abortion procedure easy . I think we women swing too far when we look for an autonomy that will never truly be found this way. Our collective efforts need to acknowledge what a serious decision it is by first seriously supporting other choices.
We best support our daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, ourselves, when we teach and encourage 1) to only have sex with someone whose baby one would willingly bring to fruition 2) to thoroughly know all about effective contraception and have it at one’s immediate disposal; 3) to know how to protect oneself; to set clear boundaries, recognize and avoid circumstances wherever possible where one is vulnerable to attack; to feel free to communicate any uncomfortable situation with someone we trust to protect us 4) if one finds oneself with an unwanted pregnancy, to feel support around and ultimately within to deal with it as one must, with abortion the absolute last resort; 5) to be able to make that decision in a context of compassionate understanding with people who listen without a personal agenda, and will offer that kind of support, whatever decision one makes.
The if’s are huge. Basically I say not not only can I but how can I support for myself and others such a context.
Ah, Dear Maggie, I hope I don’t regret writing you my opinion about abortion, because I love you; and I apologize for any foolish straying from this truth. What you wrote about this topic is beautiful, and clearly from your heart.
I never want to see abortion criminalized again. That is no cure, and caused untold suffering. Not only is a woman wounded by this typically lonely and painful decision, but by inept and indifferent, often cruel procedures imposed by herself or others. No solution in this.
To acknowledge killing is right is a bridge too far, but I cross it by saying it can be an option. Never, however, is it freedom. Killing, whether by gun or by medical procedure, whether responsibly or irresponsibly, even whether intentional or unintentional, is killing. Most all who are involved in it come to realize this, with crushing personal consequences. We women must encourage alternatives in every way possible, because as an option it evidences or causes deep wounds, shame; feelings that life is worthless and therefore on some deep level one’s own life is worthless. If someone chooses this option, we therefore need a system in place with a whale of a lot of supportive followup, available and wholehearted, for as long as it takes.
I think ptsd is no more or less than this.
Self defense. Defense of others, i.e., to save and protect lives. Abortion as self defense against nurturing in one’s body the seed of some terrible violation. I’m not able to condone in myself taking away this right from anyone. And I hear, respect, and affirm that abortion is a choice no one can make for another.
But lets not fool oursekves at any step of the way that we make anyone’s life easier by making the abortion procedure easy . I think we women swing too far when we look for an autonomy that will never truly be found this way. Our collective efforts need to acknowledge what a serious decision it is by first seriously supporting other choices.
We best support our daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, ourselves, when we teach and encourage 1) to only have sex with someone whose baby one would willingly bring to fruition 2) to thoroughly know all about effective contraception and have it at one’s immediate disposal; 3) to know how to protect oneself; to set clear boundaries, recognize and avoid circumstances wherever possible where one is vulnerable to attack; to feel free to communicate any uncomfortable situation with someone we trust to protect us 4) if one finds oneself with an unwanted pregnancy, to feel support around and ultimately within to deal with it as one must, with abortion the absolute last resort; 5) to be able to make that decision in a context of compassionate understanding with people who listen without a personal agenda, and will offer that kind of support, whatever decision one makes.
The if’s are huge. Basically I say not not only can I but how can I support for myself and others such a context.